The cleanliness campaign was inaugurated on a very wide scale and it has been distributed among various categories, as one of them is the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan for urban areas and the other is for village or Gramin, both are run by different ministries, under the same swachhata program. The Urban Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is headed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

Main objectives for Urban Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:

The data shows the number of open defecation free districts increased every year, although the progress was very slow till 2019, we attained 100% results:

The Urban Swachh Bharat Abhiyan aims to cover all these objectives and make all cities clean and 100% ODF free. Open defecation leads to multiple diseases and it is the first thing that Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is concern about. The money spent on Individual household toilets is 4,165 crores whereas 655 crores for community toilets and 7,366 crores for Solid Waste Management. The government has also raised a fund of Rs.1,828 crore for various awareness programs. The overall money allotted for Urban Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is Rs. 14,623 crores. Overall the mission was marked successful and all the states marked themselves ODF free. Sikkim was the first state to hold this title.


This mission is headed by the Department of Drinking water & Sanitation and more than 5,99,693 villages have been declared open defecation free, whereas 699 districts, 35 states including UT, have been declared open defecation free and about 16,32,42,383 toilets have been constructed.

The main objective of Rural Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to promote cleanliness and develop healthy habits in people in villages. People in rural India are not very much aware of health and hygiene, which leads to several diseases especially in children and it results in child mortality. Every year the government spends lots of money on the treatment of various diseases, caused by unhealthy habits. So, it’s better to make people aware of health and hygiene, as this will not only keep you healthy but also save your money.

Main objectives for Rural Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:

Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan for students

The Swachhta Abhiyan also contains special programs for students. As we know children are the future of any nation and they play a very important role in the development of the nation because once they will adopt cleanliness as their habit, the nation will grow clean. Keeping this in mind the government started various cleanliness programs for children, by various ministries.

Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan

A cleanliness program specially organized for the betterment of students, so that they could be provided with proper toilets and to develop hygiene habits in them. It also focuses on building separate toilets for boys and girls.

Baal Swachhata Abhiyan

A program led by the Ministry of Education and Health and it is celebrated on the occasion of Children's Day and lasts for five days, the birth anniversary of Nehru from November 14 to November 19 being the birth date of Indira Gandhi. It is also a part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and the main objective of this Bal Swachhata Abhiyan is, to develop hygiene habits in children from a very young age. Children are the future of any nation and when we develop healthy habits in them from a very young age, they will develop it as their habit and a healthy habit will always keep them safe and energetic.

In this five-day campaign each day is celebrated with a different theme:

  1. Clean Schools / Surroundings / Play areas: This is the theme for day one, in which students are taught some cleaning habits and the importance of keeping their school, surroundings and play areas including home clean.
  2. Clean Food: Cleanliness is not only about the environment you live in, but it also includes the food you eat, the water you drink and the toilets you use. Each day has been segregated among all these cleaning types and one of them is food. To develop healthy eating habits, like to wash hands before and after food and etc.
  3. Clean Self, Personal Hygiene, Child Safety: Personal hygiene is considered very important because a lack of personal hygiene can call various diseases, especially among children. Therefore, personal safety is very important.
  4. Clean Drinking Water: Just as we need healthy and clean food, similarly we also need clean and sweet water for drinking. We develop several water-consumption methods to develop water harvesting habits.
  5. Clean Toilet: It is very necessary to use a clean toilet because a dirty toilet can cause many diseases. Therefore, we should develop these habits from the beginning.


The campaign aims sanitation but on a broader scale, including personal as well as social hygiene. It aims to develop proper sanitation and the use of technology for waste management. There are some important possibilities for hygienic development discussed below.

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